Find ways to improve your well-being through spiritual practices

Credit to Author: Nandini Tirumala| Date: Mon, 28 Mar 2022 13:53:44 +0000

Self-care tips for newcomers

Spiritual wellness is very important to overall wellness — research has shown a connection between our beliefs and our sense of well-being. Living a life with purpose and finding meaning in events, based on one’s values and beliefs, creates harmony within oneself and with others around us.

Spirituality may mean different things to different people. For some, it is practicing an organized religion; for others, it may be connecting to nature or belief in a higher power. Whatever the path one chooses, the benefits to health are many. Spirituality gives us the strength to deal with the highs and lows in our lives, it gives us a hope for a better future, and it often helps us connect with each other through compassion.

On arrival in a new country, many newcomers long for spiritual connection and authentic experiences similar to the ones in their home country. Some may struggle to develop their spirituality in a new place as everything around them may look unfamiliar and the everyday challenges of settlement may leave little time to engage spiritually.

Canada offers everyone an equal opportunity to practice their spirituality. With the support from of government initiatives, various faith-based organizations and centers are free to practice their values and beliefs. Members organize events, processions, and celebrations to share their customs and beliefs and to pass it down to younger generations.

There are several ways one can stay connected spiritually in a new county to promote your good health and wellness:

Connecting with an organization that aligns with your beliefs and values: If you prefer to be connected with others or to practice your beliefs in a sacred place, look for available resources in your area and get connected to receive updates on special events, etc.

Connecting with yourself: A new life in a new country can also be an opportunity to explore your own spirituality by looking deep into yourself, understanding, and reframing what matters most for you. It will also help you appreciate and be grateful for what you have.

Try new wellness techniques: There are plenty of opportunities around you like outdoor yoga, nature walks, guided meditation, that are offered free of cost. These activities not only relax your mind and body but can also help you look at things more positively around you.

Volunteer and donate: Community service and helping people can also foster connection and compassion, which contributes to your spiritual wellness. Helping others also brings an awareness of everyone being connected to each other in this Universe.

Make time for yourself: Reading scriptures, listening to music or podcasts, lighting a candle/lamp, or gardening can be the activities that you consistently for spiritual connection. Some activities can even be carried out while you are busy commuting to work, cooking, or are engaged in household chores.

Many seniors, international students, and newcomers struggled to stay connected socially and spiritually during the pandemic. However, virtual support systems helped them maintain a positive outlook towards life.  Being flexible and tapping into available spiritual resources and support, whether it is virtually or in person, not only benefits individuals, it ultimately contributes to healthier communities.


The post Find ways to improve your well-being through spiritual practices first appeared on Canadian Immigrant.