Upcoming webinar on tax benefits and credits for newcomers to Canada

Credit to Author: Canadian Immigrant| Date: Tue, 12 Mar 2024 03:28:33 +0000

On March 20,2024, the Canada Revenue Agency is hosting an interactive webinar on the Canadian tax system. This free event will cover various topics including the Canada child benefit (CCB), GST/HST credit, ways to do your taxes, free tax help and other CRA services.

The post Upcoming webinar on tax benefits and credits for newcomers to Canada first appeared on Canadian Immigrant.

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Should you pay with a credit card or cash?

Credit to Author: Shalini Dharna| Date: Tue, 21 Nov 2023 01:05:14 +0000

If you have your expenses under control, there are several upsides to using credit instead of just cash. In this article, we will explore the reasons why relying solely on cash can be detrimental in various aspects of personal finance.

The post Should you pay with a credit card or cash? first appeared on Canadian Immigrant.

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Free online learning program on credit for newcomers to Canada

Credit to Author: Canadian Immigrant| Date: Wed, 08 Nov 2023 23:26:28 +0000

During Financial Literacy Month in November, Credit Canada has launched a free, online resource in eight languages developed specifically to help newcomers navigate the financial landscape in Canada.

The post Free online learning program on credit for newcomers to Canada first appeared on Canadian Immigrant.

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Know your rights when facing financial difficulties

Credit to Author: Canadian Immigrant| Date: Wed, 18 Oct 2023 14:26:55 +0000

Under Canadian laws and regulations, financial consumers benefit from many protections. They help ensure you have access to basic banking services, such as a bank account, and that you’re treated fairly by financial institutions.

The post Know your rights when facing financial difficulties first appeared on Canadian Immigrant.

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Money smart: Developing financial literacy as a newcomer for future success

Credit to Author: Rita Simonetta| Date: Wed, 01 Feb 2023 09:44:02 +0000

Deciding to make the journey to Canada takes courage, determination and a solid grasp of money management. What kinds of challenges do newcomers face? Where and how can you find those financial literacy resources to thrive?

The post Money smart: Developing financial literacy as a newcomer for future success first appeared on Canadian Immigrant.

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