How Should $10 Billion Be Spent To Defeat Climate Change?

Credit to Author: Barry A.F.| Date: Sat, 14 Mar 2020 16:49:49 +0000

US East CoastWhen I first read about the $10 billion from Jeff Bezos to fight climate change, my first thought was, “Where will it be spent?”

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Michael Bloomberg to plunge $500M into clean energy effort

Credit to Author: kadraneda| Date: Fri, 07 Jun 2019 06:08:27 +0000

Michael Bloomberg to plunge $500M into clean energy effort

Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg is plunging $500 million into an effort to close all of United States’ remaining coal plants by 2030.

The post Michael Bloomberg to plunge $500M into clean energy effort appeared first on Inquirer News.

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