7 cops face admin raps for indiscriminate firing on New Year’s Eve

Credit to Author: mfrialde| Date: Tue, 01 Jan 2019 07:35:53 +0000

MANILA, Philippines — Seven police officers are now facing administrative cases for indiscriminate firing during the New Year’s Eve revelry, the Philippine National Police (PNP) said on Tuesday.

The unidentified seven police officers will be facing administrative cases, said Director General Oscar Albayalde, PNP chief.

“As I have promised, there will be no mercy for errant personnel who will fire their guns to celebrate the holiday,” Albayalde said in a statement.

The seven police officers were among 23 persons who were arrested for alleged indiscriminate firing on New Year’s Eve, a report from the PNP said.


Also arrested were a member of the Armed Forces of the Philippines, another law enforcement agent, two security guards, and 10 civilians, the PNP said.

“The full might of the law will be applied to these trigger-happy gun owners upon observance of all requirements of due process,” Albayalde said.

Meanwhile, the PNP has also arrested 97 persons for violating laws and ordinances that prohibit the use and sale of banned firecrackers.

A total of 26,676 police officers were deployed by the PNP nationwide to ensure the public’s safety during the holidays.

Albayalde also cited the report of the Department of Health which stated that the number of firecracker-related injuries has dropped to 58 percent and that there were no casualties from stray bullet recorded during the holiday period.  /muf
