Surrey MLA Tracy Redies hospitalized

Credit to Author: Rob Shaw| Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2019 21:17:06 +0000

VICTORIA — Surrey-White Rock MLA Tracy Redies has been hospitalized due to serious complications related to a virus she contracted on a recent trip to Brazil.

Redies is currently in Peace Arch Hospital, she posted on social media Monday.

“I am in PAH with congestive heart failure and acute hepatitis brought on by some virus they are trying to find likely picked up while I was in Brazil,” she wrote. “Your thoughts and prayers are appreciated — this could be a long road.”

Redies had just been named opposition transportation critic, following a shuffle by Opposition Liberal leader Andrew Wilkinson. Previously, she had been co-critic in the finance portfolio.

She is widely regarded as one of the opposition’s top critics. Redies was previously CEO of Coast Capital Savings and a senior executive at HSBC.

MLAs from across the political spectrum posted messages of support after hearing the news.

“Sending thoughts and best wishes to @tracyrediesbc for a full recovery,” Finance Minister Carole James tweeted. “Get well soon!”

Sending thoughts and best wishes to @tracyrediesbc for a full recovery. Get well soon!

Sorry to hear @tracyrediesbc is in hospital. Sending her my best wishes for a speedy recovery.

Liberal leader Andrew Wilkinson, who is also a doctor, said he was sorry to hear of Redies’ illness, but she is a healthy person and receiving good care. She will remain the official opposition transportation critic, and Wilkinson said he is confident she will return soon.

“We expect she’ll be back on the job in a timely fashion,” he said.

Redies continued to tweet from her hospital bed on Tuesday.

“This one has got me down for the count. But I will get up again I hope! Thanks for all the well wishes.”