Daily Poll: How should you navigate umbrellas on a covered sidewalk?

Credit to Author: Stephanie Ip| Date: Mon, 30 Sep 2019 16:17:55 +0000

Last week, we asked for your thoughts on umbrella etiquette and for you to chime in with your rainy day pet peeves.

Let’s take a look at the results and find out what appears to be the worst thing you could do with an umbrella.

Finally, chime in on our daily poll below and see if you know how to navigate umbrellas on a covered sidewalk.

About 35 per cent opt for the jacket, while 32 per cent say an umbrella is adequate. The remaining 33 per cent say they’ll grab both on their way out the door. Hey, better safe than sorry, right?

If two people are walking toward each other on the sidewalk and both have umbrellas, an overwhelming 83 per cent agree that both people should tilt their umbrellas to avoid a collision. Only 14 per cent felt the taller person should do the tilting and 3 per cent felt it was the shorter person who should adjust their umbrella.

To be fair, everyone needs to be mindful not to blind someone with a stray umbrella to the eye, regardless of height.

About 75 per cent of respondents said golf umbrellas are not meant for the city. Nick Procaylo / PNG

Some 75 per cent agree that golf umbrellas should stay on the golf course. The remaining 25 per cent are… wrong and selfish. Let’s all share umbrella air space, shall we?

A total of 60 per cent will leave their umbrellas in a bin by a shop’s front door, if available, to prevent dripping inside the business, while 40 per cent would rather keep their umbrella with them.

But let’s get something straight. Those umbrella bins at the front door of a business? Those umbrellas aren’t free for the taking. It is most certainly not a ‘take-a-penny, leave-a-penny’ situation for those caught in the rain without an umbrella and at least 94 per cent of you understand that.

The remaining 6 per cent have interesting ideas about umbrella ownership.

A pedestrian tries to leap over a giant puddle while crossing a street in Vancouver, B.C. RICHARD LAM / PNG

A total of 85 per cent have never stolen an umbrella, but 15 per cent of you have. About a third of those, however, are people who made honest mistakes. Perhaps confusing someone else’s umbrella for their own.

About 68 per cent say it’s harmless but 32 per cent of you wouldn’t chance opening an umbrella inside. If you’re a believer, though, beware if it’s a black umbrella, was a gift, if it’s never been used outdoors or if someone is sick in the house. Those are particular signs of bad umbrella luck.

Following last week’s poll, we received a number of responses that suggested we missed the most egregious umbrella faux-pas: walking on covered sidewalks with an umbrella. For some, it seems like a simple no-brainer who should get right-of-way under a sidewalk awning in the rain.

Take a look at the graphic below and read each scenario. Then chime in and let us know how you think each scenario should be navigated. While there’s no law that dictates the right or wrong way to navigate umbrellas on a sidewalk, there is, however, the right answer as selected by the majority of people.

How do you navigate umbrellas on a covered sidewalk? STEPHANIE IP / POSTMEDIA

In the graphic above, Pedestrians A, C and D do not have umbrellas. Pedestrians B have an umbrella.




