Transit strike: Here are today's TransLink cancellations for Nov. 14

Credit to Author: Stephanie Ip| Date: Thu, 14 Nov 2019 14:23:38 +0000

Transit workers are currently staging a multi-part strike, as negotiations with the Coast Mountain Bus Company broke off earlier this month.

The strike began Nov. 1 with a uniform strike by transit operators and an overtime ban by maintenance workers. Unifor, the union representing transit workers, is expected to announce their next steps for the transit strike in a news conference on Tuesday morning.

Unifor is seeking a 15.2 per cent increase compounded over four years for bus drivers and 16.7 per cent compounded over four years for maintenance workers. The employer, Coast Mountain Bus Company, is offering 9.6 per cent  for drivers and 12.2 per cent for maintenance workers.

There will be six SeaBus sailing cancellations this afternoon:

From Lonsdale Quay:

From Waterfront:

You can search your bus route by searching through the app below.

Negotiations set to resume Wednesday as drivers threaten overtime ban

Transit strike hitting SeaBus again this weekend

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