Letters, Dec. 28, 2019: Don't forget the impact on neighbourhoods from additional rental homes

Credit to Author: Stephen Snelgrove| Date: Sat, 28 Dec 2019 02:00:00 +0000

Dan Fumano’s coverage of public hearings for the first three MIRHPP proposals has been narrowly focused on the numbers of rental units to be built and all the right boxes to be ticked. He has neglected to report on the impacts these additional rental homes will have on the neighbourhoods and community at large.

While there was no opposition on record for the first two, it was not as quick and easy for the 1805 Larch St. proposal. The reporter failed to include the stated concerns over design shortfalls and neighbourhood fit. No mention of the alternatives offered by either councillors or the residents who oppose it.

There was no discussion about future budgets for existing community amenities nor their ongoing capacity to support new residents. It appeared that developers were not sufficiently challenged to be more creative with their designs and city planning staff were confident in bringing this forward as is.

But, after two long nights of hearings, seven councillors were comforted that most trees will be saved and the building even “greener” with a reduced number of parking spaces. MIRHPP units will not be congregated on the lowest levels so, as one councillor put it, “those tenants won’t feel stigmatized.” No citizens will be displaced from their homes — on what was a former church property.

And with that, it was passed. City planning staff and the developers left chambers the next day with a wonderful pre-Christmas gift and likely more to come.

On that last point, there’s a great empty corner lot on Point Grey Road, west of Macdonald Street. Quiet street with great bike lanes, walking distance to tennis and sailing clubs. Nobody is displaced and no lost amenities. Fabulous water views, almost no trees and imagine the rents you could charge for the deluxe units to offset the ones below market level. All you need is the right developer supported by the city planning team, spot rezoning and it’s a win/win.

By the way, I am a long-time renter near the proposed 1805 Larch St. development and am on the record as opposed.

Laurelle Shalagan, Vancouver

What is scary about the largest private real estate development in North America being built at Oakridge in Vancouver? The word “private.”

Vancouver city council should ensure the community centres, four-hectare park, library and main access pathways to this community are public spaces. A public space is one where no private landlord controls who may enter or what activities are allowed there, and only the Vancouver police have policing authority.

Without such assurance, it will be like the Disney-planned futuristic town of Celebration, Fla., where the cultural activities revolve around food, drinking, pets and expensive cars, and voting is restricted to the landowners.

Maxwell Anderson, Vancouver

I just finished reading Stevie Cameron’s book about Ottawa and the politicians. The conclusion is that all our tax money is wasted and splurged on food and corruption. Everyone working for the government — elected officials, especially — seem to be entitled to more and more.

Well, maybe a change is needed. Let us not have political parties anymore. We could use a “lottery” system. We will choose, by lottery, 338 from our voters list and these people, from every walk of life, will now operate the government. All lobbyists will be not welcome in Ottawa since corruption seems to flow with these visits to the government offices.

Having elections will not be necessary since the voters list will produce the new government. We could flush this system by replacing half of the government every two years.

If you want to know what goes on in Ottawa, try Stevie Cameron’s book — just remember it is not a comedy, it is the real thing and you may become angry. Be cautious.

Jorgen Hansen, Kelowna

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