Math, music and physics collide in Infinity's story of a brilliant but dysfunctional family

Credit to Author: Shawn Conner| Date: Wed, 01 Jan 2020 19:00:48 +0000


When: Jan. 7-9

Where: Cultch Historic Theatre

Tickets: from $26 at

In Infinity, Sarah Jean is the cynical, skeptical daughter of a dysfunctional couple, theoretical physicist Elliot and composer Carmen. The Hannah Moscovitch (The Russian Play, Little One, This is War) drama premiered in 2015 Toronto and went on to win that year’s Toronto Theatre Dora Mavor Moore Award for Outstanding New Play. Now, coming to Vancouver for the first time, the Volcano/Tarragon Theatre co-production features new actors (Vancouver-based Emily Jane King and Electric Company Theatre’s Jonathon Young) and original cast member Amy Rutherford.

We talked to Rutherford, who is also a playwright (2018’s Mortified, at Studio 58), about Infinity’s mix of math, physics, and family relationships.   

Q: As a playwright yourself, how easy is it to go into a play written by someone else simply as an actor?

A: Well, new work is always collaborative. All rehearsal periods are collaborative to some degree. I’ve been with Infinity from the first read-through, so there were many changes before the first production. And there were even changes between the first production and the second. Now, with this new cast, once again there are many changes from just having new people in the room.

Q: As someone who’s been with the show from the beginning, how is this production different from previous ones?

A: I always like when shows are remounted and there are new cast members. You get some freshness but also you’re reminded of the integrity of the script. There are things that remain. The volume turns up in moments, even if it’s not written in the script. You get a better sense of what the play is really about, because you see those repetitions. But I would say in this particular production, Emily Jane is the youngest Sarah Jean we’ve had. She’s exactly the age (23) she’s meant to be in the script.

Q: Does the way your performance change with new cast members?

A: It changes from performance to performance. But I find that it can be quite intense coming back to the material. It’s going in deeper, and this show is quite emotional. And then Jonathon is my partner in real life, and we play a couple in a very dysfunctional relationship, and that adds a whole layer of strangeness when we’re playing that against each other.

Q: How would you describe what Infinity is about?

A: Well, it’s a three-hander, but we also have a violinist (Andréa Tyniec) in the show. There’s a family made up of brilliant people, a theoretical physicist, a virtuosic violinist, and their daughter, who is an exceptional, brilliant mathematician, and they’re dealing with ordinary human struggles like love and family and relationship and career. And it’s about what we inherit from our families and how we can change those behaviours, that we actually can change.

Q: It sounds heavy but there’s also some humour, is that right?

A: It is a heavy play but there’s a lot of comedy in it. It’s pretty racy at times. It always feels like with plays, we will say, ‘Oh yeah there’s comedy and music too.‘ But that is true in this play. It moves quickly and I think the characters are compelling. And the ideas are really compelling as well — the ideas that Hannah has woven into the story and are based on real physics. Hannah spoke to (Ontario-based theoretical physicist) Lee Smolin during the writing of the play, and asked what the career timeline of Elliot, the father, would look like. He wrote a full fictional timeline using all of these ideas of physics: “When he started out at 19, he would’ve studied this.” So she’s stayed very true to Lee’s ideas. She went pretty deep into that theoretical physics world.