Book review: Collapsible offers up short stories as beautiful and baffling as an enamelled puzzle box

Credit to Author: Stephen Snelgrove| Date: Fri, 21 Feb 2020 19:10:25 +0000


Tim Conley | New Star Books

$18, 179pp

“The world’s foremost authority on werewolves is buying a new suit.” This line, certainly one of the weirder verbal fanfares to be found in Canadian fiction recently, opens a short story entitled “Enantiodromia or Something Like It.” So the reader approaching Tim Conley’s collection Collapsible is on notice from the first page; this is not going to be an ordinary short story volume.

Russian foreign policy, Winston Churchill once observed, was “a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma.” Had he lived long enough to enjoy the experimental short fiction of Brock University’s Conley, he might have been tempted to echo that plangent phrase in summing up the stories in this collection.

In this engaging and challenging new volume from Vancouver’s New Star Books, Conley crafts stories with all the baffling beauty of an elaborately enamelled puzzle box, narratives that obliquely hint and suggest rather than baldly state their themes and plots. This is a book that will never make a list of “easy reading favourites” but despite the sometimes-strenuous effort required from the reader, these stories are well worth the heavy lifting sometimes required. Despite the surreal and postmodernist elements, these are delightful, disturbing and sometimes screamingly funny tales.

The werewolf expert is only the beginning. By the time the sometimes bemused reader finishes this book, he or she has been introduced to a spectral apparition who appears in the room whenever the narrator watches a Red Sox game on TV, to a therapist who talks like a cartoon pirate, to a house that fills with frost after a character talks about her paralyzing loneliness and to a boyfriend named The Sublime with an annoying love for pretzels.

Welcome to Tim Conley’s world. In one of his funnier stories, “A People’s History,” which details faction fighting and power struggles in a group organized among folks who live bearing the names of celebrities, there occurs a line that may best capture the author’s basic approach: “…. and like most larks, this one was a pulled punch against loneliness.” This suggests the mix of intellectual playfulness and pathos in almost every story. They are amusing and full of wordplay in ways that remind the reader the Conley is a James Joyce scholar in his academic day job. And like Joyce, Conley delivers moments of tenderness and humanity along with his entertaining narrative puzzles.

Tom Sandborn lives and writes in Vancouver. He welcomes your feedback and story tips at