FDA bans processed pork imports from Singapore

Credit to Author: Rhodina Villanueva| Date: Sat, 13 May 2023 00:00:00 +0800

MANILA, Philippines — To prevent the further spread of African swine fever (ASF) in the country, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has ordered a temporary ban on the importation, distribution and sale of all processed pork meat products from Singapore.

“In the interest of public health and coherent efforts in preventing the entry of the African swine fever virus, the FDA adopts the temporary banning on the importation, distribution and sale of all processed pork meat products from Singapore,” FDA Order No. 2023-0790 signed by Director General Dr. Samuel Zacate read.

According to the FDA, Singapore is the 30th country that Philippine authorities have imposed a ban on processed pork meat products due to ASF.

Aside from Singapore, also covered by previous FDA orders are China, Hungary, Latvia, Poland, Romania, Russia, Ukraine, Vietnam, Zambia, South Africa, Bulgaria, Cambodia, Mongolia, Moldova and Hong Kong.

Other countries covered by the ban on processed pork meat products are North Korea, Laos, Germany, Indonesia, Greece, Myanmar, Serbia, Slovakia, South Korea, Zimbabwe, Malaysia, Thailand, Italy and Czech Republic.

The order said, “The FDA would like to reiterate that it does not allow the registration of processed pork meat products from these ASF virus-affected countries.”

The agency also advised the public to exercise “extreme caution” in purchasing and consuming processed pork meat products.

“Only consume processed pork meat products which are sourced from countries other than the listed countries suspected to be affected by the ASF virus,” said Zacate.

At the same time, the FDA said it is closely monitoring business establishments and local markets on their compliance with the ban.

“A heightened post-marketing surveillance and audit is being conducted on all concerned and covered establishments to ensure full compliance with the foregoing FDA order,” Zacate said.

ASF is a highly contagious and deadly viral disease infecting swine of all ages. It is not considered a threat to human health and cannot be transmitted from pigs to humans.
