Achieving Dream Careers: Overcoming Challenges for Skilled Immigrants

Credit to Author: Staff Writer| Date: Tue, 05 Mar 2024 17:23:45 +0000

The pursuit of a dream job is often an exciting journey, marked by the quest for fulfillment and the opportunity to work with passion. For many, it’s the culmination of years of hard work and dedication, a role they’ve earned and eagerly anticipate. However, for skilled immigrants seeking to establish themselves in Canada and re-enter their chosen professions, the process can be daunting. It entails navigating through a whirlwind of emotions, workload, and uncertainty.

Skilled immigrants invest years in rigorous study, pouring their hearts and finances into obtaining credentials and accumulating invaluable experience in their fields. Yet, upon arriving in Canada, they often find themselves in positions where their expertise is underutilized, dampening their confidence and sense of belonging. Depending on their profession, it can take years for skilled immigrants to reclaim their dream careers, involving numerous assessments, exams, and the acquisition of Canadian work experience.

Kasun Kulathunga -  KRK Law Corporation -

Kasun Kulathunga – KRK Law Corporation –

What begins as a dream swiftly transforms into a lifelong struggle, requiring immense dedication alongside fulfilling other responsibilities. This journey is not only heavy but also financially burdensome. Thankfully, existing programs like Recognition Counts at SEED Winnipeg offer a glimmer of hope. This initiative provides financial and career coaching and the opportunity to apply for loans of up to $30,000, which can cover expenses such as assessment fees, additional training, exams, living costs, study materials and more. Through programs like Recognition Counts, many skilled immigrants have successfully navigated the recredentialing process and returned to their fields of expertise, like Kasun Kulathunga.

After five years of relentless effort, Kasun successfully had his law degree recognized, becoming a licensed lawyer in December 2022. Today, he runs his own thriving law firm. Kasun’s journey was filled with challenges and stress due to a lack of information and resources. Initially pursuing a bachelor’s degree in criminal justice, Kasun soon realized that this path did not lead to his dream job. Despite the challenges he faced, he kept going, discovering that he could have his law degree recognized after completing nine additional courses. Despite encountering financial obstacles, Kasun remained steadfast in his pursuit. It was through programs like Recognition Counts that he found the support he needed to overcome these barriers.

Kasun’s story serves as a testament to resilience and determination. Despite the hardships he faced, he never wavered in his commitment to his passion. Recognition Counts provided him with the encouragement and financial resources to see his journey through to the end. The success of skilled immigrants in securing employment within their field of passion and expertise serves as a source of inspiration. It motivates individuals to preserve despite considerable effort involved. Kasun’s own experience reflects this sentiment: “The whole process took about 5 years, and it was not easy, but well worth instead of working in a job that is not your profession or not what you used to do back home.”
To learn more about Recognition Counts and to find out if you are eligible for a loan, visit or call 204-927-9937.
Recognition Counts is Funded in part by the Government of Canada’s Foreign Credential Recognition Program (ESDC), IRCC and the Province of Manitoba

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The post Achieving Dream Careers: Overcoming Challenges for Skilled Immigrants first appeared on Canadian Immigrant.