Palantir’s CEO Finally Admits to Helping ICE Deport Undocumented Immigrants

Credit to Author: Edward Ongweso Jr| Date: Fri, 24 Jan 2020 22:30:49 +0000

Palantir has tried to downplay its role in ICE’s detainment and deportation of immigrants for years, but Alex Karp said the quiet part loud at Davos.

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Strengthening the Energy Sector’s Cyber Preparedness

Credit to Author: POWER| Date: Sat, 01 Jun 2019 00:00:00 +0000

The Department of Energy (DOE) in March 2018 released a 52-page report outlining its multi-year strategy to improve cybersecurity. In the report’s introduction, Assistant Secretary Bruce J. Walker noted that

The post Strengthening the Energy Sector’s Cyber Preparedness appeared first on POWER Magazine.

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