The Yin & Yang Of Delivery Vans — Electric Vs. Diesel

Credit to Author: Steve Hanley| Date: Sun, 23 Jun 2024 02:00:29 +0000

Conventional delivery vans create lots of carbon dioxide and other pollutants. Switchung to electric vans is taking longer than expected.

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California Home to Two ZEV Firsts: Nation’s First Solar-Powered EV Truck Stop, World’s Largest Amazon EV Truck Fleet

Credit to Author: Press Release| Date: Wed, 08 May 2024 22:18:39 +0000

Sacramento, California — In just the last three days, California has seen two firsts related to zero-emission vehicles: the nation’s first solar-powered electric truck charging depot and Amazon’s largest electric truck fleet in any country. The two milestones illustrate Governor Gavin Newsom’s commitment to building more, faster to achieve California’s world-leading climate … [continued]

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Morgan Olson Chooses Rivian Skateboard For Electric Delivery Vans

Credit to Author: Steve Hanley| Date: Sun, 10 Mar 2024 23:11:29 +0000

Stepvan manufacturer Morgan Olson has chosen the Rivian commercial van skateboard for is commercial delivery vans.

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The Largest Electric Vehicle Fleet In The US Will Belong To…The US Postal Service

Credit to Author: Tina Casey| Date: Mon, 22 Jan 2024 19:49:22 +0000

The US Postal Service has tapped the Ford E-Transit electric van to help electrify the entire mail delivery infrastructure.

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FedEx Canada Adds 50 Brightdrop Electric Delivery Vans, Merchants Fleet Orders 12,500 Electric RAM Vans

Credit to Author: Steve Hanley| Date: Sat, 17 Jun 2023 01:12:27 +0000

electric delivery vanFedEx Canada this week is touting the fact that it has added 50 Brightdrop Zevo 600 electric delivery vans to service the needs of customers in Toronto, Montreal, and Surrey. The fact that the Brightdrop vans are manufactured in Canada is a plus. FedEx has set a goal of transitioning to an all-electric fleet of […]

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US Congress Considers 1st-Ever Purchase Incentive for Commercial EVs

Credit to Author: Guest Contributor| Date: Wed, 03 Aug 2022 10:50:57 +0000

Last week, Senators Schumer and Manchin announced a compromise on a reconciliation bill, called the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022, that includes significant climate and air quality progress and a goal to reduce greenhouse gas emissions nationwide by 40 percent by 2030. This bill would establish a federal tax credit for businesses to purchase electric and plug-in hybrid […]

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All Purpose Transport — Electric Last-Mile Delivery for IKEA, Goodyear, BP, Others

Credit to Author: David Waterworth| Date: Fri, 24 Jun 2022 15:34:19 +0000

All Purpose TransportBased on an interview with Paul Kahlert, General Manager of All Purpose Transport All Purpose Transport (APT) is primarily a last-mile delivery provider to blue-chip customers such as Rheem, Solahart, Goodyear, BP, IKEA, Fantastic Furniture, and Bunzl. Founded in 1975, APT’s business model engages close to 300 owner-drivers who select and purchase their vehicles to […]

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Brightdrop Delivers 150 Electric Vans To FedEx

Credit to Author: Jennifer Sensiba| Date: Wed, 22 Jun 2022 18:05:04 +0000

FedEx and Brightdrop recently announced that the first 150 Zevo 600 electric vans have been delivered to facilities around southern California. This would make for one of the biggest deployments of electric vans to date. “This shows how BrightDrop is delivering sustainable solutions at scale to customers today, and we couldn’t be happier to be […]

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Ford Is Making Electric Vehicles That Deliver Stuff, So Why Can’t USPS?

Credit to Author: Tina Casey| Date: Mon, 09 May 2022 21:15:17 +0000

Ford electric vehicles E-Transit vanWhile the US Postal Service fiddles with gasmobiles, Ford Motor Company launches new E-Transit electric vehicles at the delivery van market.

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