Risks Associated with Geomagnetic Storms

Credit to Author: Michael Bruch| Date: Wed, 24 Jul 2024 20:50:40 +0000

In May 2024, stargazers and smartphone photographers witnessed a spectacular moment in time over the course of two nights. Social media and news outlets were dazzled by incandescent light plays […]

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U.S. Seeks Bids for Domestic Low-Enriched Uranium to Counter Russian Influence

Credit to Author: Sonal Patel| Date: Tue, 02 Jul 2024 02:29:02 +0000

In a strategic move to jumpstart domestic uranium enrichment capacity in the U.S., the Department of Energy (DOE) has launched a request for proposals (RFP) to buy low-enriched uranium (LEU) […]

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Uranium yellowcake is used in the preparation of uranium fuel that is used in nuclear reactors. Source: DOE

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Mitigating EMP and GMD Risks for Power Grid Resilience

Credit to Author: Sonal Patel| Date: Wed, 26 Jun 2024 12:33:24 +0000

Risks posed by geomagnetic disturbance (GMD) and electromagnetic pulse (EMP) events add challenges to an already complex power system environment. But they remain crucial to address. How prepared is the […]

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Some U.S. Regions at Risk of Energy Shortfalls in Extreme Summer Conditions

Credit to Author: US Energy Information Administration| Date: Fri, 21 Jun 2024 18:28:40 +0000

Parts of the United States could be at risk for electricity supply shortages if electricity demand peaks are higher than anticipated or if less electricity is generated than expected, according to the North American Electric Reliability Corporation’s (NERC) 2024 Summer Reliability Assessment. Under normal summer demand conditions, NERC expects the continental … [continued]

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2024 Shaping Up to Be Dramatic for Transmission and Distribution

Credit to Author: Sonal Patel| Date: Thu, 30 May 2024 17:32:46 +0000

In a significant push toward modernizing America’s aging grid infrastructure, the Biden administration, in partnership with 21 states, has launched the Federal-State Modern Grid Deployment Initiative. The measure marks the […]

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NERC: Summer Grid Outlook Improved But Still Vulnerable to Extreme Weather, Demand Growth Spikes

Credit to Author: Sonal Patel| Date: Thu, 16 May 2024 20:01:56 +0000

All regions across the bulk power system (BPS) are generally prepared to meet resource adequacy criteria to meet normal peak demand this summer, but ongoing concerns about extreme weather events, […]

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NERC’s 2024 Summer Reliability Assessment (SRA) finds that a large part of North America remains at risk of supply shortfalls, while other areas show reduced risk due to resource additions. Expected wide-area heat events that affect generation, wind output, or transmission systems coupled with demand growth in some areas are contributing to adequacy risks for resources and transmission. All areas are assessed to have adequate supply for normal peak load due, in large part, to a record 25 GW of additional solar capacity added since last year. However, energy risks are growing in several areas when solar, wind, and hydro output are low. Courtesy: NERC

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Historic Solar Storm Spurs PJM to Extend Geomagnetic Disturbance Warning

Credit to Author: Sonal Patel| Date: Sun, 12 May 2024 14:41:56 +0000

Grid operator PJM Interconnection has issued a geomagnetic disturbance (GMD) warning after observing “persistent geomagnetically induced current (GIC) at multiple stations” late on Friday.  PJM initially issued a GMD warning […]

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A large sunspot cluster has produced several moderate to strong solar flares since Wednesday, May 8, 2024. At least five flares were associated with coronal mass ejections (CMEs) that appear to be Earth-directed. “CMEs are explosions of plasma and magnetic fields from the sun’s corona. They cause geomagnetic storms when they are directed at Earth. Geomagnetic storms can impact infrastructure in near-Earth orbit and on Earth’s surface, potentially disrupting communications, the electric power grid, navigation, radio and satellite operations,” NOAA explains. Courtesy: NASA

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TVA Secures 16 GE Vernova Aeroderivative Gas Turbine Packages for Kingston Replacement

Credit to Author: Sonal Patel| Date: Wed, 08 May 2024 12:51:30 +0000

GE Vernova has bagged the Tennessee Valley Authority’s (TVA’s) first order as part of a fast-track project to replace the 1.3-GW Kingston Fossil Plant in Tennessee with a 1.5-GW modern complex. […]

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The Tennessee Valley Authority has embarked on a fast-track project to replace the 1.3-GW Kingston Fossil Plant in Tennessee with a 1.5-GW modern complex. GE Vernova will supply 16 aeroderivative LM6000VELOX* dual fuel DLE (dry low emissions) gas turbine and generator packages, which are expected to deliver 850 MW of flexible power when they begin operating in 2028 at TVA’s Kingston site. Courtesy: GE Vernova

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U.S. Department of the Treasury Releases Final Rules to Lower Consumer Costs, Continue U.S. Manufacturing Boom in Batteries & Clean Vehicles, Strengthen Energy Security

Credit to Author: Guest Contributor| Date: Fri, 03 May 2024 23:46:58 +0000

WASHINGTON — Today the U.S. Department of the Treasury and Internal Revenue Service (IRS) released final rules on the clean vehicle provisions of the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) that are lowering costs for consumers, spurring a boom in U.S. manufacturing, and strengthening energy security by building resilient supply chains with … [continued]

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Congress Approves Ban on Imports of Enriched Uranium From Russia

Credit to Author: Sonal Patel| Date: Thu, 02 May 2024 19:22:39 +0000

The U.S. Senate on April 30 passed—by unanimous consent—a bill to ban imports of unirradiated low-enriched uranium (LEU) produced in Russia. The bill now heads to the president’s desk for […]

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