Documentary shines light on religious diversity

New documentary Diversity aims to connect across cultures and religions to find common ground


From the Prime Minister to everyday Canadians, we often talk about the country’s diversity as a strength. But immigrant and racialized communities still face stereotypes and discrimination, especially when it comes to religious differences.

To combat this, the Armenian Diocese of Canada and the Canadian Youth Interfaith Network  have released a compelling new 30-minute documentary called simply Diversity.

“We travelled across Canada to discover its diversity,” according to the Canadian Youth Interfaith Network. “We brought together representatives from different ethnic and religious communities in four largest cities in Canada to find out what it will take to challenge the existing stereotypes.”

The Youth Interfaith Network points out that Canada is the most religiously diverse country, and to develop a culture of tolerance, as well to reduce prejudices based on religious affiliation, we need to seek common ground.

The movie was created with support of the Government of Canada and produced by Lights and Shadows Productions.