Duterte to Filipinos: Reflect on our past and learn from its lessons

Credit to Author: eestopace| Date: Tue, 01 Jan 2019 04:41:39 +0000

MANILA, Philippines — As the new year starts, President Rodrigo Duterte called on Filipinos to reflect on our storied past and learn from its lessons to continue moving forward.

“We welcome the new year full of hope and optimism. As we herald the start of another year, let us reflect on our storied past and learn from its lessons so that we can face the future with more confidence,” Duterte said in his New Year message on Tuesday.

The President also appealed for cooperation in tackling “the ills of drugs, criminality and corruption that stunt our development.”

“I have no doubt that, with our patriotic fervor and with our solidarity as a people, we can overcome the challenges that impede our continued march towards a more prosperous and progressive future,” he said.


Duterte is also encouraging the public to “face all obstacles head on, armed with the knowledge and brimming with hope that we can triumph over any struggles that we may face as a nation.” /ee
