Master Hanz Cua shares what’s in store for the 12 Animal Signs

Credit to Author: The Manila Times| Date: Fri, 24 Jan 2020 17:40:32 +0000

“THIS year is a good year for new beginnings because Rat is the first sign among the 12 animal signs,” said Feng Shui Master Hanz Cua during an early celebration of the Chinese New hosted by Marco Polo Ortigas Manila.

He also added that this is the best time to launch a business, try a new hobby and start a new career or even start joining organizations. For Master Hanz, year 2020, which starts on January 25, is a strong, prosperous and lucky year as there will be lots of opportunities for everyone.

He also said that long-term projects that have been carefully planned will have greater chances of being completed or satisfied in the future. “Initiatives will only be successful if they are carefully planned.”

Master Hanz also explained the luckiest direction for 2020 based on feng shui, is the Southeast where there is Heavenly Wealth Star (Please refer to the chart).

“The same direction will attract good fortune, opportunities, helpful friends, windfall luck, influential people and good breaks,” Cua said.

Those who are born under the signs of Dragon and Snake will likely benefit the Southeast direction.

To enhance the Southeast direction, Cua advised feng shui followers to put lucky charms such as Kwan Kong, Arowana fish, Prosperity Rat and Money Tree.

Other lucky directions for 2020 are Southwest, West, Northeast, and Northwest. The luckiest color for 2020 is blue.

For every animal sign, here are the forecast of Master Hanz Cua.


1924, 1936, 1948, 1960,
1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020
Lucky Direction: Northeast
Lucky Number: 8
Lucky Colors: White and Beige
Lucky Months: April, October and December

Though it’s the year of the Rat, year 2020 will not all be lucky for the Rat, except in wealth. You should avoid scam practices and borrowing money and start investing in property insurance.

Be careful with misunderstanding with your boss or co-employees. You are also prone to lawsuits, so be careful.

In romance, there will be love quarrels and misunderstandings so you should control your temper.

It is also high time to invest in health insurance. He also advises the Rat to take care of the liver, gallbladder, feet, and arms.

1925, 1937, 1949, 1961,
1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021
Lucky Direction: Northeast and Southwest
Lucky Numbers: 12, 18
Lucky Colors: Pink, Yellow, Green and Orange
Lucky Months: January, September and November

The Ox is lucky in wealth this year. This year is perfect for investing in stock market to expand your wealth. You can also expand your business but be careful in joining new venture.

There is luck in romance this year. This year is a great time to get married.

Take care of your liver. Be watchful so that former illnesses will not come back.

1926, 1938, 1950, 1962,
1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022
Lucky Direction: East and South
Lucky Numbers: 15, 7
Lucky Colors: Green, Yellow and Peach
Lucky Months: February, March and September

Tiger is one of the luckiest signs in 2020, similar to last year. You will have good fortune in career and business. You will have good networking and connections and the support of your boss. Be flexible in adapting to changes in work and in business.

It is a great time to travel and start new adventures this year based on the star alignment.

Tiger is also lucky in finding love this year. Singles need to mingle. Reconciliation in relationships.

The Feng Shui master also advises the Tiger to travel often to improve health conditions. Watch out for diabetes and ear infection. Keep mind active nd healthy by reading more books. Lessen the use of gadgets.

1927, 1939, 1951, 1963,
1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, 2023
Lucky Direction: Northwest, Southeast
Lucky Numbers: 11, 3
Lucky Colors: Pink, White, Blue
Lucky Months: March, July and November

The Rabbit is not the luckiest this year but they will still be prosperous this 2020. Do not change work.

You will have strong support from your boss and luck in your career. Avoid bad luck by staying away from jealous people.

Relationship issues like cheating and betrayal will occur. Those in a relationship should avoid third-party relationships.

You need to exercise and get into sports. For pregnant women, be careful of miscarriage. Practice meditation and avoid exhaustion from daily activities.

1928, 1940, 1952,
1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012
Lucky Direction: North, South
Lucky Numbers: 3, 7, 9
Lucky Colors: Gold, Yellow, Violet
Lucky Months: July, October and November

Luck in wealth is on the Dragon’s side this year because of the heavenly wealth star. Trust in your influential friends to help you succeed.

The Dragon will prosper in work and will get promoted. Year 2020 is a great year to expand business but be careful in signing documents because you are prone to law suit this year.

Find love this year because there is strong success in romance this year.

Remain calm in stressful situations. Balance your work and life to avoid burnout.

Take care of your lungs, large intestines and bones.

1929, 1941, 1953, 1965,
1977, 1989, 2001, 2013, 2025
Lucky Direction: North, Northeast, Southwest
Lucky Numbers: 5, 13, 19
Lucky Colors: Silver, Aqua, Orange, Pink
Lucky Months: March, July, November

This year is a recovery year for the Snake since 2019 was not a good year. There will be new opportunities this 2020.

This is the perfect time for the Snake to recover from last year’s delays. Year 2020 is also a good year for expanding business.

There’s a love star in the Snake’s chart for 2020. It is the perfect time to find love.

Be watchful of illnesses related to pneumonia and constipation. Be careful of accidents especially bone injury.

1930, 1942, 1954, 1966,
1978, 1990, 2002, 2014, 2026
Lucky Direction: Northwest, Northeast, West
Lucky Numbers: 9, 11, 2
Lucky Colors: Yellow, Silver, Green, Beige
Lucky Months: April, August, January

Year 2020 is generally not a good year for the Horse, especially for wealth so don’t be aggressive in business dealings.
It will also be a slow year career-wise. Be careful with backstabbers. Choose safe investments and avoid risky dealings
It is important to be grateful of your love life status
Visit your doctor every now and then because of the presence of an illness star. Take care of your digestive system as well.

1931, 1943, 1955, 1967,
1979, 1991, 2003, 2015, 2027
Lucky Direction: Southwest, West and Northwest
Lucky Numbers: 6, 2, 15
Lucky Colors: Brown, Orange, Green, White
Lucky Months: March, July, September

There will be an increase in the Goat’s finances, sales, and savings. Put money on long-term investments. Invest in events and seminars to enhance oneself. Always have a plan B.

Besides luck in wealth, the Goat is also lucky career-wise. Year 2020 is a good year to take exams.

Be more open to communication. Careful of third party. Avoid office romance. Not a good year to enter in new relationship.

Take care of your legs, arms, and head. Watch out for lung, arm, leg and head injury.

1932, 1944, 1956, 1968,
1980, 1992, 2004, 2016, 2028
Lucky Direction: Southeast, Northeast, North
Lucky Numbers: 3, 6, 12
Lucky Colors: Maroon, Silver, Beige
Lucky Months: March, February, November

There’s luck in online ventures because there will be an increase in sales. You will have opportunity to go abroad. The Monkey should be careful of theft and robbery.

Be proactive and hands-on. Use social media as a platform of business.

There is luck in love for single Monkeys this year and a good year to get married. But watch for third-party relationships and avoid scandal

Look out for illnesses related to asthma, heart problem and breast cancer. Increase water intake because there are many fire-related elements present in the Monkey’s chart this year.

1933, 1945, 1957, 1969,
1981, 1993, 2005, 2017, 2029
Lucky Direction: West, North, Northeast
Lucky Numbers: 9, 5, 12
Lucky Colors: Red, Brown, Pink, Blue
Lucky Months: February, July, September

There’s high chances of having work opportunities abroad because of success star in the Rooster’s chart. Build your emergency fund.

There’s charismatic star. There will be suitors but be careful of third-party relationships.

Take care of your eyes, heart, and blood pressure problems. Maintain active lifestyle. Eat more vegetables. There is a possibility of surgery within the year.

1934, 1946, 1958, 1970,
1982, 1994, 2006, 2018, 2030
Lucky Direction: Northwest, East, West
Lucky Numbers: 8, 1, 16
Lucky Colors: Gold, Red, Yellow
Lucky Months: April, August, November

Money and prosperity stars are present in the Dog’s chart. This means there will be an increase in savings and opportunities for business expansions.

Be attentive to your partner’s need. For single Dogs, you will be lucky in romance this year.

Take care of your body and avoid abusing it. As much as possible, refrain from drinking alcohol, smoking, and staying up late.

1935, 1947, 1959, 1971,
1983, 1995, 2007, 2019, 2031
Lucky Direction: Southeast, East, Northwest
Lucky Numbers: 7, 5, 19
Lucky Colors: Blue, Green, Red
Lucky Months: February, June, September

Pig will gain a lot of wealth in 2020. Hardwork from the past will materialize this year. Venture in water-related business.

Your business ideas will prosper this year as well.

Don’t be choosy. Resolve problems with partner immediately. For singles, be more sociable and always accept invitations. Friendship will blossom into romance.

Watch out for diabetes or allergy-related illnesses. Avoid staying late at night and lessen stressful activities.

For more information about Master Hanz Cua, visit