8 ways to master the art of small talk

Credit to Author: Murali Murthy| Date: Thu, 11 Jul 2024 12:26:42 +0000

Getting good at the art of small talk is not only appreciated in professional circles but can be a smart way to boost your career. Remember it’s not about simply initiating a conversation. It’s about engaging your audience with a meaningful conversation.

The post 8 ways to master the art of small talk first appeared on Canadian Immigrant.

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The fine art of disclosure: When and how to talk about your disability

Credit to Author: Canadian Immigrant| Date: Tue, 25 Jun 2024 11:24:55 +0000

Disclosing personal information about your disability to an employer can be a nerve-wracking experience, especially when you don’t know your rights. When framed in a positive and informed way it can be turned into a positive and empowering experience.  

The post The fine art of disclosure: When and how to talk about your disability first appeared on Canadian Immigrant.

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The power of celebrating small wins

Credit to Author: Murali Murthy| Date: Mon, 10 Jun 2024 19:58:21 +0000

There is nothing called an overnight success. Look at any successful professional or business and you will learn that big achievements do not happen overnight. Each one of them have taken small, consistent steps each day to reach their destination.

The post The power of celebrating small wins first appeared on Canadian Immigrant.

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Local startup launches scholarship program to support culinary entrepreneurs

Credit to Author: Ramya Ramanathan| Date: Thu, 06 Jun 2024 14:03:55 +0000

A partnership between Toronto’s George Brown College (GBC) and local food delivery marketplace and online platform for food sellers, Cookin, is helping culinary student food creators to launch and grow their online food business.  

The post Local startup launches scholarship program to support culinary entrepreneurs first appeared on Canadian Immigrant.

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How to foster collaboration in a multi-generational workforce

Credit to Author: Murali Murthy| Date: Wed, 08 May 2024 19:10:12 +0000

When people work together they are engaged better and report higher success levels.  Especially when one brings multi-generational teams to collaborate, the company can record a high level of productivity and success.

The post How to foster collaboration in a multi-generational workforce first appeared on Canadian Immigrant.

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How to foster collaboration in a multigenerational workforce

Credit to Author: Murali Murthy| Date: Wed, 08 May 2024 19:10:12 +0000

When people work together they are engaged better and report higher success levels.  Especially when one brings multi-generational teams to collaborate, the company can record a high level of productivity and success.

The post How to foster collaboration in a multigenerational workforce first appeared on Canadian Immigrant.

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How to be proactive and regain control over a ‘dry promotion’ at work

Credit to Author: Murali Murthy| Date: Tue, 16 Apr 2024 23:11:14 +0000

In today’s world of constant flux, the dynamics of the workplace are changing too and springing one surprise after the other. The latest one doing the rounds of workplace discussions is the trend of ‘dry promotions’.

The post How to be proactive and regain control over a ‘dry promotion’ at work first appeared on Canadian Immigrant.

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Post-secondary institutions have a ‘pivotal role’ in meeting the demand for AI skills, says study

Credit to Author: Ramya Ramanathan| Date: Wed, 03 Apr 2024 16:24:30 +0000

New research from the Conference Board of Canada looks at the demand for AI skills across occupations, sectors and geography in Canada, current trends and highlights the role of post-secondary institutions in developing programs to meet this demand.

The post Post-secondary institutions have a ‘pivotal role’ in meeting the demand for AI skills, says study first appeared on Canadian Immigrant.

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6 ways to overcome layoff anxiety

Credit to Author: Murali Murthy| Date: Wed, 27 Mar 2024 16:45:30 +0000

The apprehension about workplace layoffs is palpable among employees across many industries. Here are six ways to proactively confront your layoff anxiety and keep the fears from getting the better of you.

The post 6 ways to overcome layoff anxiety first appeared on Canadian Immigrant.

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