The Fossil Fuel Industry Puts Future Generations At Risk

Credit to Author: Steve Hanley| Date: Mon, 03 Jun 2024 14:59:42 +0000

The Earth is on the brink of a climate meltdown as temperatures around the world soar to unprecedented levels, thanks to fossil fuel usage.

The post The Fossil Fuel Industry Puts Future Generations At Risk appeared first on CleanTechnica.

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What Does The World Think About The Climate Emergency?

Credit to Author: The Beam| Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2022 03:30:12 +0000

Do you feel the impacts of the climate emergency at all? Do you want to see faster and greater action to slow down global warming and mitigate its damage? Your answer probably depends on where and how you live, what your level of education is and how old you are. Although numbers are only a […]

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President Biden Enlists Heat Pumps For Climate Emergency Action

Credit to Author: Tina Casey| Date: Thu, 21 Jul 2022 18:55:30 +0000

heat pumps AC cooling climate emergencyPresident Biden included energy efficient, electric air sourced heat pumps in a laundry list of action steps to tackle the climate emergency, including a new push for offshore wind.

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Scientists to hike B.C.’s Helm Glacier in Garibaldi Park to measure glacial melt, effects of climate change

Credit to Author: Tiffany Crawford| Date: Fri, 15 Apr 2022 17:30:56 +0000

Staking the future: Natural Resources Canada teams will measure for snow density, depth of select glaciers in B.C., Alberta, the North

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Daphne Bramham: Forget the climate emergency, let's just have fun

Credit to Author: Daphne Bramham| Date: Fri, 15 Apr 2022 00:05:39 +0000

You have to hand it to the Americans. They’ve spent most of the last century being particularly great at weaving fantastical dreams in Hollywood, building cartoon castles, golf courses in the sand around Palm Springs, Venice-style canals in Vegas and condos on Florida swamp land.

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Thomas Gunton: Canada’s new climate plan contains serious gaps

Credit to Author: Hardip Johal| Date: Fri, 08 Apr 2022 01:00:58 +0000

Opinion: One major gap is climate adaptation. While some planning is underway, the recent heat waves, flooding and forest fires show how ill prepared we are

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